After Death

Today at church we had a guest pastor. His name is Craig Smith, a native American who’s been pastoring for over 40 years all around the country. About three years ago, he, his wife, and his wife’s brother were in a horrific auto accident that put Craig and his wife into the hospital. Ladonna’s neck was broken, an injury that 90 to 95 percent of the time will kill a person immediately. Craig himself was basically broken in half, and spent two months in a coma. Nowadays Ladonna is walking and mobile against all odds, and Craig, while still undergoing physical therapy, was able to actually walk from the car and through the doors of our church, although he sat in his wheelchair for his speaking. His story is one, not of personal triumph, but rather of God’s great glory, mercy, and incredible ability to fit all things to His purpose. Here’s the thing; I didn’t really enjoy the story.

Before you become angry, let me explain. On the radio I sometimes listen to a Christian station with the local call sign of KLOVE. Why only sometimes? Because even though I like the message of each and every song, I quite frequently simply don’t enjoy the music. The notes or the beat or the sound of the chorus or all of the above just doesn’t “grab” me. Craig’s sermon was kind of the same way. The story is incredible, the message of God’s grace is incredible, but it was just presented in a way that seemed very polished or prepared, which is to be expected as he gives this presentation all around the country. But for me personally, it isn’t the polished presentations that really speak to me, it’s the heartfelt revelations given by people on the spur of the moment, telling how God has worked in their lives that really grabs me.

In the end, all that really matters is that the stories are told one way or another. While one method may not speak to me, it will surely speak to someone else, because that’s how God works. In his infinite wisdom, He covers all the bases, making sure all His children have the opportunity to hear about Him, and to be moved to faith by what they hear. So in conclusion, I would suggest that you Google Craig and Ladonna Smith and read and/or watch their incredible story. It could change your life.

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